proFPGA Motherboards

The proFPGA product family is a complete and modular multi FPGA solution, which meets highest requirements in the area of FPGA based Prototyping.
The proFPGA product series consists of three types of motherboards (uno, duo, quad), different kinds of FPGA Modules (Xilinx Virtex® UltraScale™, Xilinx Virtex® 7, Xilinx Zynq™, Intel® Stratix®), a set of interconnection boards/cables, and various daughter boards like DDR3/DDR4 memory boards or high speed in- terface boards like PCIe, USB 3.0 and Gigabit Ethernet.
It addresses customers who need a scalable and flexible high speed ASIC Prototyping and IP verification solution for early software development and real time system verification.The innovative system concept and technologies offer highest flexibility and reuseability for several projects, which guarantees the best return on invest.
Concept of the proFPGA Motherboard:
The proFPGA Motherboard is responsible for the infrastructure in a system. It provides the main power supply and power protection for all FPGA Modules and Extension Boards. In addition the motherboard establishes a communication channel between the FPGA system and a host PC via PCIe, USB or Ethernet. Furthermore it holds configurable clock generators and clock distributions, which are able to generate up to 8 system synchronous clocks to all assembled FPGAs and up to 255 reset events per clock domain. The proFPGA Motherboard has an I²C based system management and offers the user MMI-64 communication access. One major advantage of using an proFPGA Motherboard is the ability to expand the system easily to a multi-motherboard system.
The proFPGA Motherboard is available in three different sizes:
The proFPGA uno Motherboard is the basis for a scalable, and modular IP Prototyping solution, which provides the infrastructer for a single FPGA Solution.
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The proFPGA duo motherboard, which is optimized to achieve highest performance, offers 16 extension sites for up to 2 proFPGA FPGA modules, standard proFPGA daughter boards or cables or customer specific application boards.
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The proFPGA quad motherboard offers 32 extension sites for up to 4 proFPGA FPGA modules, standard proFPGA daughter boards or cables or customer specific application boards.
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